Meaning androgen deprivation
What does androgen deprivation mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word androgen deprivation. You can also add a definition of androgen deprivation yourself


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androgen deprivation

Treatment to suppress or block the production or action of male hormones. This is done by having the testicles removed, by taking female sex hormones, or by taking drugs called antiandrogens. Also cal [..]


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androgen deprivation

A therapeutic strategy designed to decrease circulating levels of the male androgen testosterone, and its related compounds. Can be done by removing organs that produce testosterone (for example, test [..]


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androgen deprivation

Treatment to suppress or block the production or action of male hormones. This is done by having the testicles removed, by taking female sex hormones, or by taking drugs called antiandrogens. Also called androgen ablation and androgen suppression.
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